Saturday, January 29, 2005

Stand Still

Stand still.
Don't go back, don't give up.
Don't run hither and thither. Don't fret. Don't worry.
Don't rush forward.
Just stand still.

In times of uncertainty, wait.
If you have any doubt, wait.
Don't force yourself into a fret or hurry.
If you have a restraint in your spirit, wait.

Wait till all is clear.
Things are bound to clear up.
God is faithful.
He will do it.

3. As an Eagle

NATURE often provides a mirror of man's soul and his relationship to God.

Moses, for example, chose an eagle for the illustration given in Deuteronomy 32:11-12, to clarify God's dealings with men. "As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: so the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him."

Those to whom Moses was writing would have little difficulty in picturing an eagle and her care of her brood, and the parallel of God's concern for His people. Likewise we also should have little difficulty in understanding the analogy. It certainly is not beyond our imagination.

Yet with all the obvious comparisons which come quickly to our minds, it would be well for us to pause and examine carefully some specific examples.

Notice the first action of the eagle. "An eagle stirreth up her nest." When her young have matured to the point where they are able to learn to fly, the eagle stirs the nest, making it just as uncomfortable as possible and shaking the eaglets loose to accept the challenges of flight more readily.

As the eagle must stir up the nest to dislodge the young who will not of their own accord fling themselves out into space, so the Lord must stir up our nest to free us from the easily acceptable comforts and securities which we enjoy so that we may see and accept the challenges of a closer fellowship with Him.

However, the eagle does not simply shake the eaglets loose and then leave them to their own resources and experiments to learn the art of flying. Rather she flies over the nest, giving her brood practical examples to follow. "An eagle ... fluttereth over her young."

Is there any better parallel to the Lord's training of us? He never stirs us loose merely to cause grief or ruin, nor does He leave us without example. [45/46]

If the Lord has stirred your nest, dislodged you from your comfortable rut, keep your eyes wide open for His training example.

In the third comparison there is a glorious confidence. "An eagle ... spreadeth abroad her wings." This speaks of the eagle's self-sacrificing protection for her brood. Many writers have indicated that if danger seems imminent the mother bird will place herself in a position to receive the enemy's onslaught before her young are attacked.

There are few pictures which reveal more of the Lord's care and protection for us. Certainly we are aware of this care in the physical realm. Everyone can point to at least one particular event in his life when the Lord demonstrated His protection unmistakably.

But beyond this, in the spiritual realm, the Lord has placed Himself again and again between us and our soul's enemy to keep him from destroying our spiritual life. When he attacked at our weakest point, when failure seemed inevitable, the Lord Himself hedged us in under His protection.

The final parallel re-emphasises and expands the third. "An eagle ... taketh them, beareth them on her wings." It has long been noted that when a young eagle is learning to fly and for some reason, be it lack of strength or lack of confidence, it suddenly flounders in air, the parent will dive under the young one and spread her wings, offering support to the infant bird.

What a peace-giving promise this is! As we can expect the Lord's stirrings, as we can look to Him for a guiding example, so we can trust for His speedy and sufficient support in time of weakness and failure.

We may not always understand all the Lord is doing. He will provide an example, a call, which we cannot follow in ourselves. Yet He will not desert us. Rather He has promised to be our ever-present help. Why then do we hesitate to follow Him?As with all the Lord's dealings with Israel, so with us; He has a specific purpose which dictates His actions. Moses concisely stated this purpose: "The Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him."

The Lord dealt with Israel in this eagle-like manner -- stirring them loose from the comfortable nest in Egypt, leading them through the vast wilderness, protecting against their numerous enemies, always providing His strength, His support -- in order that Israel might follow the Lord alone. None of the attachments of Egypt, none of their own strengths, none of their own abilities, was to be their god; the Lord alone was to be God.

His purpose has not changed. When we would become too attached to the nest of this world He stirs us. When we would wonder how or where to follow He provides an example. When we would be overcome by the enemy He protects us. When our own strength is insufficient He supplies His -- all for one purpose: that Christ alone would be our God.

Can you see yourself in the picture of the indolent, ignorant, defenseless, frail eaglet? Can you see the Lord's stirrings, lessons, protection and provision in your experience? Are you accepting each of them as His best for you?

Prayer Battle

'Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.
'But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for 21 days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia.' Daniel 10.12, 13.

We have wonderful teaching here on prayer, and we are shown the direct hindrance from Satan.

Daniel had fasted and prayed 21 days, and he had a very hard time in prayer. The difficulty arose because of the special attack of Satan, who had sent the prince of Persia to resist the angelic messenger sent to Daniel from God.

The messenger had been dispatched the moment Daniel began to prayer, but an evil angel met the good angel and wrestled with him, hindering him and holding him up. There was a conflict in the heavens, and Daniel seemed to go through a battle on earth the same as was going on in the heavenlies.

‘We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers….against wicked spirits in high places.’ Eph 6.12

Satan delayed the answer for 3 full weeks. Daniel nearly gave up, he nearly succumbed. Satan would have gladly destroyed him, but for the hedge that God put around him. God will not suffering anything to come to us that is more than we can bear.

Many a Christian prayer is hindered by Satan. But you need not fear when your prayers pile up, for after a while they will become like a flood and will not only sweep the answer through, but will bring new blessings.

Hell does it worst with the saints. The rarest souls have been tested with high pressure and tensions, but Heaven will not desert them. ‘He will not fail you, nor forsake you’

[Extracted from May 16, Streams in the Desert, a book of daily devotionals by Mrs Charles Cowman.]

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Psalm 13

Paraphrase of Psalm 13

Lord, I have been waiting so long.
O Lord, have you forgotten me?
Why do You hide Your face from me?
Why are You not speaking to me?

How long should I suffer like this?
How long should I sorrow?
How long shall the enemy prevail against me?
How long shall I remain in this valley of depression?

Lord, look at me, hear me, have mercy on me!
Lord, open my eyes that I may see You.
Lord, open my ears that I may hear You.
Lord, reach out and touch me,
Revive me and refresh me,
Otherwise I will sleep 'the long sleep of death'.

The enemy prevails against me.
He continually troubles me.
He is forever trying to shake me
So that I may stumble and fall.
Lord, let not my enemy prevail against me.

I trust in Your mercy.
I trust in Your grace.
I rejoice in Your salvation.
You are a merciful and gracious God.
You will not fail me.

I will praise You, for Your mercy endures forever.
Though outwardly I sorrow,
I will yet sing to You with a heart full of praise,
Because You will deal bountifully with me,
O God of my salvation.