Desert Streams
Christian blog, spiritual, comforting, encouraging, and even inspiring! Put up for the glory of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
11. The Mind of Christ
[This is a transcript of a message that was given recently in Kalimpong. ]
The theme for this Sunday School programme is from Phil 2.5, 'Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus'. This morning I want to share with you some thoughts relating to the mind of believers. It is with the mind that we think, but our thoughts must be under control. With the mind we decide, but we must decide to choose good and refuse evil. With the mind, we form attitudes; we all have likes and dislikes, and often they harden into prejudice.
The Bible makes it clear that unbelievers have a defiled body, a darkened soul [mind] and a dead spirit. When we are born again, the spirit becomes alive, but the mind [still dark] has to be enlightened and renewed [Rom 12.2]
The minds of unbelievers are described as debased, reprobate, evil, Rom 1.28,29. Their minds are blinded by the god of this world [Satan], 2 Cor 4.4
In Romans 8:5-7 we are told about two types of mind -- the mind 'set on the flesh' and the mind 'controlled by the Spirit'. The carnal mind is hostile to God. You would have noticed how sharply nominal Christians react when you ask them, Are you born again? They are offended.
There are seven ways in which this carnal mind [or carnal mentality[ is described in the Bible.
1. There is the proud mind, Rom 12.16, which sets itself on 'high things' and refuses to associate with the humble and lowly; it is the mind that is 'wise in its own opinion'. Col 2.18 refers to those who are puffed up in their fleshly mind. In contrast, we have Christ's mind of humility seen in Phil 2.5-7; where He made himself of no reputation. We have to put on 'humbleness of mind', Col 3.12.
2. There is the selfish mind. Paul complains that 'all seek their own, not the things of Christ', Phil 2.21. By nature, we are self-seeking. In contrast, we have the unselfish attitude described in Phil 2.3,4 - where we esteem others better than ourselves, and look to the interests of others. That lowliness of mind is seen in Timothy and Epaphroditus, two examples of the attitude of selfless service in the same chapter. We are saved, not for ourselves, but in order to serve the Lord and to serve one another.
3. Then we have the earthly mind, Phil 3.19, the mind set on gratifying the appetite and seeking to possess material things. Paul speaks of such people as being 'enemies of the cross'. He declares that we must set our minds on heavenly things, Col 3.1,2. Alas, how few of us have experienced 'open heaven'.
4. James warns us of double-mindedness, Jas 4.8; or what is called a fickle and wavering mind. The solution is to have a single mind, a single eye, focused on Christ. 'Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee,' Isa 26.3. We need to look away from all distractions and keep a steady gaze on Jesus, seated on the Throne in heaven, Heb 12.2.
5. Then, there is the greatest plague of all, the suspicious mind. The mind that mistrusts and even thinks evil of others, 1 Cor 13.5. Satan often surrounds us with a cloud of fears, doubts, suspicions and worries - like a cloud of gnats or troublesome insects. [So we have the believer/sheep declaring to the Shepherd, 'You anoint my head with oil,' Ps 23.5.] We need a sound mind, 2 Tim 1.7; a pure mind, filled with pure thoughts, Phil 4.8. The mind has to be controlled by the Holy Spirit, who brings life and peace. We need to rebuke every fear and worry and wayward thought and imagination in the Name of Jesus Christ. Only a prayer life can do that, and a mind and heart that feeds on the word of God.
6. If our mind is not renewed, Rom 12.2, and if we do not realise that God's will is best for us, then we develop a cantankerous spirit, or what Paul calls a stubborn and corrupt mind, 1 Tim 6.5, i.e. a mind which is full of arguments and disputes. God is known, not by intellectual argument or philosophy, but by divine revelation granted to a humble mind, Ps 25.9. We can never argue a person into the kingdom of God; we may win a debate and lose a soul!
7. The greatest danger of all is that 'light rejected becomes darkness'. If we do not allow our minds to be filled with God's word and enlightened by God's Spirit, there is a possibility of our minds becoming blinded. We must always pray, 'Lord, open the eyes of my understanding,' Eph 1.18.
So we conclude that a man may be born of the Spirit and yet be darkened in soul [mind]. Our minds need to be renewed, our thoughts must be pure, our soul must be filled with light. There is the salvation of the soul; and though Satan battles for our minds, through faith and the Word of God and prayer, we can still obtain the 'mind of Christ'.